Portugal Street
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Prices include tickets plus hotel
Tickets + hotel fr £89 / person
Tickets + hotel fr £89 £80 / person
Your Hotel Direct credit:
with your
% off
RSP prices
Peacock Theatre
Portugal Street
5 mins walk from Holborn Tube Station. From Twyford Place, turn left on to Kingsway for 300m, turn left on to Portugal Street and the theatre will be on the left.
Holborn station is 4 minute walk (342 metres)
Matinee | Evening | |
Monday | 7.30pm | |
Tuesday | 7.30pm | |
Wednesday | 2.30pm | 7.30pm |
Thursday | 7.30pm | |
Friday | 7.30pm | |
Saturday | 2.30pm | 7.30pm |
Running time: 2hr 40min. Incl. 1 Interval.
Booking from: 21 May 2025
Booking until: 07 Jun 2025
"Great seats, fantastic story line accompanied by the great music of meatloaf, funny, with lots of innuendo but wouldn`t think suitable for young children"
"Great performances and a decent storyline connecting the various songs. Some other similar shows are rather contrived. There are some new songs, but these enhance . All the major hits feature"
"From start to finish, it was a wonderful tribute to the magic of Meatloaf. The dancing was brilliant, music was great, wonderful leads and supporting cast. In all, probably the best show we have seen in some time.And where do they get the energy?"
See package price reductions on the next page
Peacock Theatre
Portugal Street
Holborn station is 4 minute walk (342 metres)
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