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What other hotels say about us:

Hotel Direct are a pleasure to work with and are a great source of new business. Their extranet is reliable and simple to use and connects seamlessly with our Channel Manager. I would recommend Hotel Direct to any hotel.

Nick Piggott,
Radisson Edinburgh

HCC Hotels tiene a Hotel Directo como uno de los Partners importantes dentro de su estructura comercial. No solo por lo que puede producir en cuanto a room nights si no por la personalizaci�n del servicio que recibimos siempre y la gran colaboraci�n por parte de Hotel Direct. Es un partner pro activo y siempre dispuesto a ayudar al hotelero, cosa que hoy en d�a es dif�cil encontrar.

Adelina Cantarell
HCC Hotel Group, Barcelona

Hotel Direct came highly recommended to the Clarence. Great businesses prove their worth to customers and I now recommend Hotel Direct myself!. In a world that's becoming so distant and digital, it's thoroughly refreshing to get such a personal touch.

Mario Beeli de Belfort
The Clarence Hotel, Dublin

With Hotel Direct you can make your break for LESS money. It's cheaper because when you book a break, we pass on special discounts for packages from hotels and train companies as well as making the total price lower. And you'll make a break in LESS time because in one place you can book your hotel, your train plus 1000s of shows, events and attractions.

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