Kings Cross Station, Pancras Road, Bus Stop T
NW1 2SD', thumb: '-', distance:'Distance to tube:1 minute walk (72 m)', lat: '51.529746', lng: '-0.123895' } ]; var tube = [ { name: 'Kings Cross', description: '1 minute walk (72 metres) from Kings Cross Station', lat: '51.53039269234279', lng: '-0.12374639511108398' } ]; function initialize() { TheatreBreaks.initializeMap({ lat: '51.529746', lng: '-0.123895', zoom: 13, attraction: attraction, tube: tube }); } function loadMapScript() { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = '' + '&key=AIzaSyDdiSE1qIzqFvwI-W18TrMewsYqaefd4DI&signed_in=true&callback=initialize'; document.body.appendChild(script); } var revtotal = 0, hotelcookie; if (revtotal === 0) { hotelcookie = [ "Warner Brothers Studio Tour with Return Transportation - King`s Cross", "-", "", "0", "`s-cross.htm", "", "", "Warner Brothers Studio Tour with Return Transportation - King`s Cross", "London" ]; } else { hotelcookie = [ "Warner Brothers Studio Tour with Return Transportation - King`s Cross", "-", "", "0", "`s-cross.htm", "Customer Score, 0 reviews", ": ", "Warner Brothers Studio Tour with Return Transportation - King`s Cross", "London" ]; } $(function() { HD.Cookie.attachRecentlyViewed(); HD.Cookie.setLastViewed(hotelcookie); });
Prices include tickets plus hotel
Tickets + hotel fr £60 / person
Tickets + hotel fr £60 £54 / person
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with your
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RSP prices
Kings Cross Station
Kings Cross Station, Pancras Road, Bus Stop T
Kings Cross station is 1 minute walk (72 metres)
Age restrictions: All Ages. Children are 5- 15 years. Infants are 3-4 years. Babies are under 2 years and will need to be booked in the system but travel free of charge.
Opening hours: The Tour departs daily at Kings Cross Station, St Pancras Road, Bus Stop T, London NW1 2SD
Pick up point: Please present your E-Ticket upon arrival.
Important info: Your Ticket includes:Return transportation to Warner Bros. Studio on a Double Decker busEntrance to Warner Bros. Studio Tour LondonGolden Tours reserves the right to cancel tours should there be an insufficient number of guests.__Disabled Access__In order to book the tour with return transportation for wheelchair users and their carers please contact us for availability.
Visit Warner Bros.
Studio Tour London and enter the magical world of Harry Potter during a trip to the studios responsible for producing the most successful film series of all time!See the imaginative sets, costumes and props used and worn by your favourite characters in the films during this unique walking tour.
Showcasing the best in British filmmaking and revealing some closely guarded production secrets, the Warner Bros.
Studio Tour London is a wizardly delight for all the family! You can take a stroll through Privet Drive, wander down Diagon Alley and hop onHagridâs bike during the tour.
Visitors also have the option to buy a famous cup of butterbeer!__Platform 9 ¾ and Hogwarts Express__
Warner Bros.
Studio Tour now features a recreation of Platform 9 ¾ and the original Hogwarts Express steam engine.
This permanent exhibit gives visitors the chance to climb aboard the trainâs carriage and pose with a luggage trolley as it disappears through the platform wall.
Scenes featuring the working train were shot at the Studios, including the iconic last scene in which grown up Harry, Ron and Hermione wave their own children off to Hogwarts as they leave for school.
__Features include:__
- Step inside the actual Great Hall
- Explore Dumbledoreâs Office and discover never before seen treasures
- Step onto the famous cobbles of Diagon Alley, featuring the shop fronts of Ollivanders Wand Shop, Flourish and Blotts, the Weasleyâs Wizard Wheezes, Gringotts Wizarding Bank and Eeylops Owl Emporium
- See Iconic props from the films, including Harryâs Nimbus 2000 and Hagrids Motorcycle
- Learn how creatures were brought to life with green screen effects, animatronics and life sized models
- Rediscover other memorable sets the film series, including the Gryffindor common room, the boyâs dormitory, Hagridâs hut, Potionâs classroom and Professor Umbridgeâs office at the Ministry of Magic
- Delve into the Dark Arts: see the Malfoy Manor fireplace and table around Bellatrix Lestrange, the Malfoy family, the Death Eaters and Voldermort sat plus a 20-foot model of Voldermortâs snake Nagini!
You're securing a better price booking your attraction and hotel together!
Kings Cross Station
Kings Cross Station, Pancras Road, Bus Stop T
Kings Cross station is 1 minute walk (72 metres)
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