268-269 Tottenham Court Road
W1T 7AQ', thumb: '//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/img/sister-act-large-thumb.jpg', reviews: 'Superb, 94%',distance:'Distance to tube:1 minute walk (80 m)', lat: '51.5165819', lng: '-0.1299397' } ]; var tube = [ { name: 'Tottenham Court Road', description: '1 minute walk (80 metres) from Dominion Theatre', lat: '51.51616731848544', lng: '-0.1308917999267578' } ]; function initialize() { TheatreBreaks.initializeMap({ lat: '51.5165819', lng: '-0.1299397', zoom: 13, show: show, tube: tube }); } function loadMapScript() { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp' + '&key=AIzaSyDdiSE1qIzqFvwI-W18TrMewsYqaefd4DI&signed_in=true&callback=initialize'; document.body.appendChild(script); } var revtotal = 24, hotelcookie; if (revtotal === 0) { hotelcookie = [ "Sister Act", "//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/img/sister-act-large-thumb.jpg", "Dominion Theatre", "0", "//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/theatrebreaks/sister-act.htm", "", "", "Sister Act", "London" ]; } else { hotelcookie = [ "Sister Act", "//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/img/sister-act-large-thumb.jpg", "Dominion Theatre", "0", "//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/theatrebreaks/sister-act.htm", "Customer Score, 24 reviews", "Superb: 94%", "Sister Act", "London" ]; } $(function() { HD.Cookie.attachRecentlyViewed(); HD.Cookie.setLastViewed(hotelcookie); });
Prices include tickets plus hotel
Tickets + hotel fr £88 / person
Tickets + hotel fr £88 £79 / person
Your Hotel Direct credit:
with your
% off
RSP prices
Dominion Theatre
268-269 Tottenham Court Road
Exit Tottenham Court Road tube station onto Tottenham Court Road. The theatre is on the opposite side of the road. This is approximately a 1 minute walk.
Tottenham Court Road station is 1 minute walk (80 metres)
Matinee | Evening | |
Saturday | 2.30pm | 7.30pm |
Running time: 2hr 30min. Incl. 1 interval.
Booking from: 31 Aug 2024
Booking until: 31 Aug 2024
"Sister Act was absolutely amazing beyond words, one of or even the best show I have seen and I`ve seen a few, the humour and singing was superb. Ruth Jones was fantastic and Alexandra Burk was fabulous"
"Just an all round feel good night out a must see"
"I would highly recommend this show. It was amazing"
"Great evening at the show, very well presented with good scene changes and a great cast. Really enjoyed the show"
"Sister act was amazing Beverley knight was outstanding and Lesley Joseph WOW I hope I have 1/2 her energy at her age. Whole cast was outstanding and the very funny Ruth Jones added the icing on the top."
See package price reductions on the next page
Dominion Theatre
268-269 Tottenham Court Road
Tottenham Court Road station is 1 minute walk (80 metres)
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